How to Treat and Prevent These 7 Skin Conditions

Blisters, scabs, scars, and pimples – just the sound of these words can send a shiver down your spine. But truth be told, we all suffer from these rather common skin conditions. Their severity varies, and yet, most of them are treatable, and more importantly, preventable. So, before you consider covering up, there’s plenty that can be done. All you need to do is follow this simple guide. It includes the most common skin conditions and effective treatments, and essentially everything you’ll need to smoothen that skin.
The Truth About Pimples
Pimples, zits, or whiteheads mostly appear during puberty. However, they do affect 3% of men over the age of 25. They are caused due to clogged oil glands and pop up on the face, back, chest and shoulders. But you don’t need us telling you what pimples are, you need to know how to get rid of them without scaring your skin.
The best way to handle pimples is keeping your skin clean to prevent any further contamination. After all, we wouldn’t want to infect the area and inflame the pimple. Wash your face daily with a gentle face cleanser, dry the area with a clean towel and make sure not to scratch or pop the pimple. Instead, try to dry the pimple out by using natural oils.

The best way to handle pimples is keeping your skin clean.
The Essentials on Black Heads
Pimples appear when bacteria and dead skin cells are trapped under closed skin. Blackheads, however, form when the skin over the dirt is punctured. The bacteria and grime are then trapped under the skin surface. While pimples are inflamed and more visible, blackheads tend to grow when untreated. Eventually, removing an untreated blackhead can cause irreversible skin damage.
Blackheads are one of the skin conditions that may require professional treatment. But the trick is treating them before you reach that point. Washing your skin regularly is a good start. Your next move should be exfoliating and going for a deeper cleanse once a week. This can be achieved with a potent face mask. Just apply once a week and let the healing begin.

Blackheads are one of the skin conditions that may require professional treatment.
All You Need to Prevent Herpes
This skin condition has the worst reputation – but truly, herpes is as common as they get. Herpes is caused due to the virus HSV, which according to the World Health Organization, affects more than half of the population. Herpes is not only infectious, but it can also itch, burn, and eventually develop into sores and blisters. In severe cases, they can cause fever and fatigue.
So, what can you do? First, and most obviously, do not touch someone else’s sores with bare hands. But if you have, and that red sneaky bump made its way to your lips, your first course of action would be trying to soothe the area. It is also recommended to use over-the-counter remedies for a quick healing process.

It is also recommended to use over-the-counter remedies for a quick healing process.
How to Treat Those Hives
Hives can be caused by a number of reasons – but are mostly attributed to allergic reactions. This skin condition can affect any part of your body and usually pass after 2 to 4 hours. That being said if your hives spread or affect your ability to breathe, you should seek urgent medical care.
When it comes to prevention, you should first try to detect the trigger. Once you’ve identified it (different types of foods, detergents, bugs, medication, etc.), avoiding the trigger is of the essence. If you have a mild case of hives, wear light and loose clothes, cool the area, and wait. The hives should disappear pretty quickly without leaving a mark.

When it comes to prevention, you should first try to detect the trigger.
The “Silent” Rosacea
It may seem like an uncommon skin condition, but Rosacea is a chronic condition that affects millions of people around the world. The Rosacea causes facial redness, swelling, and even pimples. It affects both women and men and can be caused by environmental and preexisting skin conditions. It has a couple of subtypes, but all are mostly treated similarly.
Rosacea cannot be cured or prevented to begin with, but it can be manageable. To prevent the condition from flaring up you should avoid any type of product that might irritate your skin. This applies to any product that contains harsh chemicals or alcohol. You should also protect your skin with sunscreen. In severe cases, you might need to contact your physician.

You should also protect your skin with sunscreen.
Read All About Atopic Dermatitis
You may know this skin condition by its other name – eczema. Though it generally affects children, it tends to flare up in adults, men especially. This long-lasting skin condition flares up periodically and can be itchy, red, and sensitive to the touch. Severe cases can also lead to fever, thick and cracked skin, and even asthma.
While there is no cure for Atopic Dermatitis, you can prevent future flare-ups. One of these prevention methods has to do with keeping your skin hydrated. This can be achieved by using a rich moisturizer, staying hydrated, and taking shorter showers that won’t rob your skin of its natural moisture. Use gentle soaps, protect your skin, and generally stay away from any catalyst that might flare up the condition.

This can be achieved by using a rich moisturizer.
Contact Dermatitis – Unlike Atopic Dermatitis
Unlike the Atopic kind, Contact Dermatitis is not a chronic skin condition. It is a condition that is caused by direct contact with an irritating substance. It’s hard to tell which substance or material might lead to this condition, but once you’ve found it, you should avoid it at all costs. Common causes can be different cosmetic products, jewelry, and even plants. In many ways, the symptoms are similar to Atopic Dermatitis, but the treatments are different.
If you did come in contact with an irritant your first action should be washing it off. Soothe the affected area with a cream, gel, or aloe gel. You should, however, see a doctor if the rash worsens or expands.

If you did come in contact with an irritant your first action should be washing it off.
Skin Conditions; The Truth
While we all try to conceal skin conditions, cover up scabs, bruises, pimples, and whatnot – we all have them. Whether you’ve had a stubborn zit as a teen, or a full-blown allergic reaction, you know that skin conditions can be the absolute worst. They affect your appearance, itch, scratch, burn and have a great number of unpleasant side effects. But you shouldn’t have to live with them. Just follow the easy tips in this guide, and spit-spot all spots will be gone!