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Dangerous Skin Conditions: How to Identify and What to Do?

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Grace Michaeli

Dangerous Skin Conditions: How to Identify and What to Do?

Having a healthy skincare routine is more than applying a moisturizer twice a day (though that’s definitely a crucial aspect of it). It also entails knowing your skin and educating yourself about possible dangers. Then, if you have indeed detected something that raises your suspicion, you should know when to seek professional help and see a doctor. 

Of course, seeing a doctor is always the safer choice. But wouldn’t it be helpful if you knew what skin conditions require seeing a dermatologist? This article will cover all the warning signs that you should look out for. Remember, a skincare routine is primarily about “caring” for your skin. 


Having a healthy skincare routine is more than applying a moisturizer

Having a healthy skincare routine is more than applying a moisturizer


The “Wrong” Color 

While it’s true that discoloration and liver spots are a natural part of your skin’s aging, some discolorations can be a sign of a more severe condition. This is mostly true for moles, freckles, and “beauty marks”. While all these are rather common (and can be prevented to some extent by using sunscreen), they can also be an indicator of a dangerous skin condition. 

The trick is paying attention to their size and color. You should also pay attention to other changes. For instance, if the mole starts to itch or hurt, you should definitely see a dermatologist. Make sure that you don’t scratch the mole or even pull it off. The most important thing about these cases is early detection. 


If the mole starts to itch or hurt, you should definitely see a dermatologist

If the mole starts to itch or hurt, you should definitely see a dermatologist


It Won’t Heal 

Scabbing and bruising are an inseparable part of life. But what happens if you’ve been nicked or bruised, but the scab just won’t heal? Is that a condition that requires professional help? Absolutely! A wound that won’t heal could get infected and lead to more severe skin conditions, such as skin tissue death, but there are other considerations too. 

A chronic wound could be indicative of an underlying medical condition. For instance, they could be pressure ulcers that are caused due to prolonged pressure on the skin. Be what they may, wounds that don’t heal are often a sign of bigger concerns. Make sure to be very attentive to your body. 


A wound that won’t heal could get infected and lead to more severe skin conditions

A wound that won’t heal could get infected and lead to more severe skin conditions


Way Too Dry 

Dry skin is a condition that we’ve all dealt with at one point or another. Whether it’s due to dehydration or the cold winter wind – we’ve all been there. Your first course of action would be making sure that you’re properly hydrated and that you start using a moisturizer. If those fail and you don’t see an improvement, this might be a sign that you need a dermatologist. 

Dry skin could be one of the early signs of eczema or even psoriasis. Both are skin conditions that other than being irritating, itchy, and unpleasant, can also severely affect your life quality. The good news is, however, that both are treatable. With the right creams and a couple of lifestyle changes, and you’re on your way to healthier skin! 


Dry skin could be one of the early signs of eczema or even psoriasis

Dry skin could be one of the early signs of eczema or even psoriasis


All That Hair Loss 

Aging has many “side effects”, one of them being natural hair loss. There are a number of products on the market that could help, such as shampoos designed to solve male hair loss. That being said, certain hair loss patterns can point to a skin condition that requires medical help. What to look out for? 

The telltale signs are rapid and inexplicable hair loss, extreme shedding, and hair loss in specific patterns – for instance if you lose circular patches of hair. All these could indicate a skin condition. But not to worry – according to the American Academy of Dermatology most of the causes are treatable and fairly common.


Aging has many “side effects”, one of them being natural hair loss

Aging has many “side effects”, one of them being natural hair loss


Skin Conditions – Being Aware and Alert 

These are some crucial signs that need to be treated, but any other abnormal skin behavior should also be treated. For instance, persistent acne, inexplicable itching, red patches, and pain. But the 4 mentioned above, are the easiest to detect and potentially dangerous. By staying alert and paying attention to your skin, you can promote early detection!