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7 Bad Skincare Habits You Have to Break

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Grace Michaeli

7 Bad Skincare Habits You Have to Break

Whether we know it or not, we all have them: bad skincare habits. These little habits, that may seem unharmful, actually have a huge impact on the overall health of your skin. Of course, the health of your skin also affects your appearance. And surely, we all want to look our very best. 

But don’t worry, any bad habit can be easily broken. The only issue here is that you might not even know that you have one of those bad skincare habits. This is why we’ve compiled a list of the most common culprits. All you need to do is break these big no-no’s and you’ll be on your way to having the perfect skin! 

Break these big no-no’s and you’ll be on your way to having the perfect skin! 

Break these big no-no’s and you’ll be on your way to having the perfect skin!

Pick Your Nicks 

Or in other words, you should stop picking your skin, scars, scabs, and zits. You probably know by now that you should fight the urge to pop your pimples. But did you know that most scars are in fact caused by the constant picking of the pimple scabs? Or that by popping zits, you might cause inflammation or an infection? The best thing you can do for a zit or scab is just let them be. And if you’re suffering from a bad case of acne, maybe it’s time to invest in a good moisturizer. 

The best thing you can do for a zit or scab, is just let them be.

The best thing you can do for a zit or scab is just let them be.

Out of Touch 

You might not even know it, but a study has shown that people touch their faces at least 16 times an hour. This is not only true for your skincare, but also for general health during a pandemic. Throughout the day, our hands and fingers touch a variety of things. And let’s face it, even with Covid19 around, we don’t wash them enough. Now, imagine all those germs and bacteria clinging onto your face. Not a good look, right? Being aware is key to breaking most bad skincare habits – especially this compulsive one. 

Mask On  

Another issue that Covid19 has brought about (except for those that you already know about) is the infamous ‘Maskne. This is of course just a cute way of saying that the masks take a toll on your skin. The constant friction of the mask against your skin results in clogged pores. It can also cause increased sweating and the humidity might dry your skin up. Did we also mention it can flare up existing skin conditions? In short, the best way to avoid Maskne is by making sure that you change your mask frequently. How frequently? At least once a day. 

The constant friction of the mask against your skin results in clogged pores.

The constant friction of the mask against your skin results in clogged pores.

Soaping Down 

More often than not, men tend to skip soaping their face, especially before going to bed. We know you wash your face in the morning, but that’s just not enough. After the long day you’ve had, your facial pores must be clogged by dirt, bacteria, and grime. These build up on your face, on your pillowcase, and even your towel. The result? Breakouts and inflammation. The best way to break this habit is by finding a good face wash that will cleanse your skin. It should remove all the oil on your skin and allow it to rejuvenate through the night. 

Letting the Sunshine In 

You probably already know this one, but it’s so important that it bears repeating. The sun can have grave results when it comes to your skin’s health. In fact, when it comes to bad skincare habits, missing your sunscreen definitely takes the cake. When you skip wearing sunscreen, you’re not only increasing your chances for contracting a lethal skin disease, you are also actively accelerating your skin’s aging process. The sun robs your skin of its natural moisture, increases melanin, and causes skin blemishes. The best way to avoid it is by remembering to use sunscreen every day before you leave the house. Simple, right? 

The best way to avoid it is by remembering to use sunscreen every day before you leave the house.


Close (Dry) Shave

We know that you’re extremely busy and looking for ways to shorten time in front of the mirror. Dry shaving might be your go-to when you’re having a hectic morning. But sometimes, saving time with a dry shave might cost you. Some of the common drawbacks of dry shaving include cuts, flaky and dry skin, itching, razor burns, inflammation and so much more. You can probably imagine how uncomfortable and harmful all these are. Thankfully, dry shaving is one of those bad skincare habits that you can avoid without a problem. All you need to do is moisturize and soften your skin before, and make sure that you don’t skip using proper shaving cream. 

Sometimes, saving time with a dry shave, might cost you.

Sometimes, saving time with a dry shave might cost you.

A Skincare Routine for the Win

Even though men are much more aware these days about their skincare, many skip using a good moisturizer. We don’t just mean a high-quality product, but rather one that is designed especially for men. A face cream that recognizes men’s skin has specific needs. Particle’s face cream does all that and more. Without a face skin moisturizer, your skin loses essential nutrients and hydration. Both of which are crucial to its overall wellbeing and appearance. Plus, this anti-aging cream can also smoothen those wrinkles and crinkles. 

Breakable Bad Skincare Habits 

The first steps for having healthier and younger skin are slowly but surely breaking all these pesky habits. It might be somewhat of a challenge. Bad habits do indeed Die Hard. But, hey, your skin isn’t too old for this stuff!