The Effects of Stress on Your Face and How You Can Fight it
The hectic reality in which we live, definitely leaves its marks (literally). Though anxiety and stress may or may not be caused by external factors, they affect more than your mental capacity. Stress has been known to cause hair loss, clenched jaws and teeth grinding, frequent cold and illnesses, a loss of appetite, frequent headaches and migraines and many other symptoms.
It seems, however, that when it comes to skincare, the impact of stress is rather neglected, despite its importance. Which is why we’ve gathered some of the ways stress and anxiety might affect your skin, but even more importantly what you can do about it, especially if you have a demanding schedule.
Stress has been known to cause hair loss
You’re Stressed and it Shows
When it comes to your facial skin, stress can manifest in a great number of ways. The most common of which is breakouts and other skin blemishes. A medical study has found a direct connection between stress and cases of acne flaring up. While stress probably won’t cause acne, it affects people who already suffer from it. Stress exposes your immune system and makes your skin more reactive to exterior irritations. Furthermore, stress can aggravate other existing skin conditions such as psoriasis.
But the less critical effects can also be quite troublesome and have an impact on your appearance. For instance stress can push your skin to the extreme, if you have dry skin you might experience further dehydration and flakier skin, but if your skin is oily, it will become more prone to skin breakouts. Another visible effect is the creation of bags under the eyes. Researches have shown an increase in the appearance of dark circles in situations of stress.
Does all of this concern you? If it does, make sure you’re not frowning, because stress, anxiety and depression cause you wrinkles. Though it might seem as a non-direct outcome, forehead wrinkles mostly have to do with repeated frowning but also cortisol (stress hormone) degrades collagen (a protein in charge of skin elasticity). Anxiety increases cortisol which gradually diminishes the skin’s capacity to retrieve its youthfulness. Stress, does in fact have impact on your youthfulness!
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Stress, anxiety and depression can cause wrinkles
But What Can be Done?
Needless to say, adding an hour of sleep, adjusting your diet and lifestyle can do wonders to your general health. Aside from these obvious suggestions, there are small tips and habits that are easy to incorporate and implement in every routine. For example, adopting a light, yet effective skincare routine (of course one that is suited for your skin type). Particle, for that matter, was developed especially for answering every man’s needs. From reducing wrinkles through soothing and rejuvenating and to being a time- and cost-effective solution, the right skincare product might make all the difference.
Once you’ve addressed the toll that stress has already taken on your skin, it’s time to prevent the stress. Every person has their own method of de-stressing. In case you’re struggling to find time for reading your favorite book or engaging in some other soothing activity, here’s a guide on small things you can do to de-stress at work. Whichever method you choose to adopt, when it comes to your health – never compromise. Remember, your skin is the protective largest organ of your body, treat it accordingly.